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Posts by category
- Category: News
- iDance Evaluation Report
- Dance & Disability: A research on inclusive dance education & training
- iDance #2: Inclusive Dance Convention
- Read the research report: “Developing potential amongst disabled young people”
- 4th learning mobility final presentation in Malmö | 6/7/18
- iDance 4th learning mobility in Malmö coming up in July 2018
- March 2018: iDance 3rd learning mobility in The Hague
- iDance colloquium_3.12.2017 | Providing access to contemporary dance education for people with disabilities
- iDance | Support innovative practices in inclusive dance education
- idance 2nd learning mobility in Surrey
- Erasmus Project with Christian_ Notes from the learning mobility in Athens
- Athens Residency: Hannah’s notes
- idance 1st learning mobility in Athens
- Dance & Disability
- Dance workshops for people with and without disabilities
- Dance workshops for people with and without disabilities
- iDance colloquium #2
- iDance: Choreographic experiments
- Teacher Training Course 2
- iDance talk & dance
- iDance colloquium #1
- Developing potential amongst disabled young people
- Choreographic Residency
- Teacher Training Course 1
- Inclusive teacher training and development
- DanceAble Classes 2018
- DanceAble Classes 2017
- Dance workshops for people with and without disabilities
- Teacher Training Course: Encompass
- Movement workshop for people with and without physical disabilities
- Movement workshop for people with and without visual impairments
- Movement workshop for people with and without intellectual disability
- dance workshops for people with and without disabilities
- The principles of inclusive teaching
- Movement and sound workshop for people with and without visual impairments
- Dance workshop for people with and without physical disabilities
- Movement workshop for people with and without intellectual disability, with and without physical disability
- Movement Intentions
- Group Improvisation
- Dance Plans
- Physicalising Emotions
- Individual Movement Vocabulary Research & Development
- Floor Work and Partnering
- Movement Translation Workshop
- Fitness Class
- Exploring Body Awareness
- Dancing with props
- Make a Duet
- Working with a Score
- Open Class for Professional Dancers
- Exploring Contact Dance in an Inclusive Context
- A Creative Dance Class
- The Weight of Words
- Meetings
- Inspire Creativity
- The Meeting Body and Space
- Awaken Sleep
- Drawing Everywhere
- Internal External Spaces
- Spine
- Touching as an Act of Transformation
- Space
- A Dance Group of People on Autistic Spectrum
- Body in Motion
- Body in Contact
- Lead & Follow
- Body & Body Parts
- An Inclusive Dance Class_Empowerment
- An Inclusive Dance Class_Partnering
- Body Sculptures
- Responding to External Impulses
- Gestural & Sound Solo